Green atmosphere is established by group of scientists with a deep knowledge in Plant pathology, Physiology, Molecular biology and immense experience in plant cell/tissue culture technologies as well as a huge international exposure, the present company was established to serve horticulturists, value addition to farmers, create jobs for distressed women and render training to youngsters in skill development for obtaining jobs in corporate sector. currently our firm is involved in the production of elite tissue culture banana plants especially Nanjangud Rasabale, medicinal plants and ornamental plants.
Dr. Sunayana N. Ph.D.
Former Chief Scientist and Head,
Plant Cell Biotechnology Department
CFTRI, Mysore Present
Later she was awarded DST-scholarship of Australia to work on molecular probes to identify banana bunchy top disease where she worked to develop nucleic acid probes for labeling banana plants for their diseases-free nature, particularly for banana bunchy-top virus. During these research endeavors, Dr. Bhagyalakshmi worked on in vitro cultures of about 20 different plant species. After completing research associate tenure in 1986, she joined Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay to work in Plant Biotechnology Department to work on mass production of oil-palm plants by regeneration methods to obtain somaclonal variants. Later, in December 1993 she joined Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of CSIR-Central Food Technological Research as a “Senior Scientist” and contributed extensively to the development of both basic and applied research in Plant Biotechnology, which is evident from her 120 publications (with over 4000 citations in high impact factor journals of international reputations),17 patents, 4 processes of which one is transferred to industry. Her major contribution to the society was developing popular local endangered land-mark variety of banana, namely Nanjanagudu rasabale, was rescued by micropropagation and re-issuing the plants to interested farmers.
Dr. Vinay B. Raghavendra, Ph.D. Post doc (U.S.A)