Green atmosphere Grand naine (G9) Banana
G9 Variety is one of the most commonly cultivated Cavendish bananas. These are high yielding variety introduced to India from Israel
Characteristic features of the plant
- Plant grows to a height of 6.5 to 7.5 Feet.
- Bunches can be harvested within eleven to twelve months from the date of planting only through tissue culture techniques.
- Each bunch will be having 12 to 16 hands with 225 to 275 number of fruits.
- Length of the fruit is 10.5-12 mm; Girth of the fruit is 5.5-6 mm in size.
Soil and crop spacing
- Grows well in wide range of soils except very sandy and heavy black soil with poor drainage. Alluvial, clay having plenty of organic carbon and well drained soil is suited for banana plantations.
- Authentic materials for research in propagation pharmacology, pharmacognacy
- Recommended spacing: 6x6 feet; 6x5 feet; 7x5 feet
- Harvesting: 11-12 months
- Average yield per acre: 40-45 tons.
Medicinally importance of G9 banana
One banana a day keeps always the doctors away
- G9 Banana is rich in tryptophan, which helps our body to converts into serotonin known to make you relax and generally make you feel happier.
- G9 Bananas are said to control depression, anemia (because of high iron content), blood pressure (because the fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt), reducing the risk of stroke.
- G9 banana have a capacity to balance blood sugar levels
- G9 banana neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation in the stomach;
- G9 contains B6, B12 vitamins along with potassium and magnesium which helps the body to maintain blood pressure.
- G9 Banana is more nutritive than Apple. Banana has twice the carbohydrates, three times more phosphorous, four times more protein, five times more vitamin A and iron
Why to grow Tissue culture banana plants?
- Uniform growth of plants and fruits
- Plants are free from diseases and always healthy
- Crop is ready for harvest in 11 to 12 months from plantations
- More yield, more profit
- Plantation can be possible through out the year
![green atmosphere](img/gal-1s.jpg)
![green atmosphere](img/gal-4s.jpg)